Expected Investment To Save Your Marriage
Invest in Marriage Retreat for Your Future
An intensive retreat of marriage therapy with me, Dr. Frank Gunzburg, is usually a number of 2- or 3-hour sessions over two to four days. You and your spouse will invest these hours and a lot of energy into resolving issues and creating a marriage that should be better than it ever was. As you might expect, this intense approach comes with a price.
My Experience to Save Your Marriage
I am a recognized marriage-friendly therapist. I have been counseling couples and helping couples turn their troubled marriages around for over 40 years. If your marriage can be saved, I can help you do it.
Marriage Retreat Counseling
Background and History of Couples Retreat Counseling
Let me begin with some background in couples retreat counseling and its costs. Many years ago, when Masters and Johnson began treating couples for sexual dysfunction, the two-week treatment cost, not including transportation to the clinic in Missouri and not including meals and lodging on their own for two weeks, was enough money to purchase a good automobile.
In addition, the couple had to devote two weeks to the treatment and to each other without other obligations; in other words, no work and no children during the entire consecutive two weeks.
Improvements in Your Marriage Become More Valuable Over Time
These sessions will help you and your spouse learn skills that will help your marriage improve over time. Additionally, we will have time to address recurring issues and develop new strategies for getting along together in a better, healthier, more productive relationship.
Invest In Your Marriage And A Better Future
An intensive marriage therapy couples retreat with me will not cost as much as a car, but plan for a minimum of $2,600, depending how much time we schedule together. These costs do not include travel, lodging, meals, and entertainment.
Small Investment Better Than Tremendous Cost of Divorce
This is a small investment compared to the true cost of divorce. Attending a marriage retreat, or even marriage counseling, or a combination of the two, is a wise investment in your marriage and in your future.
Marriage is a True Investment
An automobile begins to lose value from the moment you purchase it. A house can go up or down in value based on external factors that we can hardly control.
An improved relationship with your spouse is invaluable. If you continue working on your marriage your investment will grow in value over the years.
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