You've Lost That Loving Feeling?

How to Get the Missing Romance Back into Your Marriage

Have you lost that “in-love” feeling and lost romance in your relationship? Has your spouse?

You can get the love back into your marriage.

What happened to the Romance, Passion and Pleasure?

In my experience, love between a married couple rarely disappears. Instead, that loving feeling is just hiding – hiding behind feelings of anger, resentment, abandonment, loneliness, and neglect.

You can rediscover those loving feelings; the romance, passion, and pleasure of your marriage that you once had.

You can create a relationship that is not just “as good as it used to be”, but better than ever!

Bring Back the Love! Bring Back the Passion!

It’s time to reintroduce romance into your relationship. It is not easy to turn things around but it is possible to get back that loving feeling.

Little changes can make a big difference in your marriage. Just a few changes can put you well on your journey to get the love and romance back in your marriage. Perhaps one or both of you is taking the other for granted. You’re giving less attention to the person who should be the most important person in your life than you’re giving your neighbors or casual friends.

Remember the song You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling by the Righteous Brothers? There is a newer version of Lost That Loving Feeling which you may recall.

Don’t let your relationship end up like that. It is too painful and has many other ramifications and complications. If you are both willing, you can probably fix your marriage. Here are some suggestions to get you started, to help you recapture the romance, the happiness and excitement in your marriage.

Tell Your Spouse What You Want

Talk to your partner. Acknowledge the problem and your commitment to change things. Say you want to change your relationship and will do what it takes to achieve an intimate, fulfilling relationship. Focus on positive goals. Limit complaints.

Try Saying:

  • “I feel we’ve lost that loving feeling, and I want it back!”
  • “I want our relationship to be the best, not just as good as it once was, but better than ever.”
  • “I will do what it takes to restore the love in our marriage.”

Avoid Saying:

“I’m sick and tired of the way you treat me. You need to change!” You’ll get much further in repairing your marriage if you focus mostly on self-management.

Further Marriage Help

Some couples can take an idea or suggestion and make it work for them without further relationship help. For those of you who want marriage help to understand step-by-step how to put these ideas into practice, you can take a look at my self-help programs to help save your marriage, or attend marriage therapy with me using either marriage counseling sessions or a marriage retreat.

In Closing…

I wish you the utmost success in rekindling the passion and re-igniting the flame of your romance together.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you feel your marriage has deteriorated beyond these suggestions, please see my free marriage tips on Stop Divorce.