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Arguing in Marriage

Free Marriage Saving Tips on Arguing


Arguing in marriage can be harmful because arguing often leads to anger. Of course, it is often necessary to discuss opposing views to come to a conclusion and a decision about how the two of you as a couple will handle the situation.

Angry, bitter arguing and angry, bitter emotions can harm marriages. Learn more about arguing in marriage and its potentially harmful effects, and what you can do to avoid arguing heatedly and to avoid letting anger get involved in your arguments, or discussions.

Disagreements are Normal

Remember, it is normal to have disagreements and opposing views. The question is what you do with them. Do you discuss these views calmly and openly, and then attempt to reach a decision together? Even if the decision is to agree to disagree, the point is to keep open lines of communication going. Learn how to keep communications open and how to avoid anger in the first place.

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