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Based on the information you provided, you are justified in your request to have your wife stop communicating with her ex-boyfriend. I would question her judgment and what she gets from the relationship besides the material things. Do you think she would look kindly at your spending a day with an ex-girlfriend who was still showing interest in you?

This is why the wedding vow states, “…and forsaking all others…” It is risky to your marital health for her to send or receive communications of any kind from her ex-boyfriend.

Based on your description, I don’t think she’ll do this, but I recommend she change her cell phone number or block his number from her account. Even if she is not doing anything with him, she is sending the unspoken message to both of you how important he still is to her. The message for herself might include maintaining a Plan B, which means she cannot be 100% fully invested in her relationship with you.

If the material things he can provide are more important to her than you, then I would guess that her emotional intimacy and maturity are stunted.

Please remember that I never met or interviewed her, and that the information you provided is only the tip of the iceberg.