Psychologist in Baltimore, MD
Dr. Gunzburg is a Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Frank Gunzburg has been a practicing psychologist in Maryland for over 40 years. Using a licensed psychologist has its advantages (see Finding a Marriage Counselor). Some of the ways you are protected by the license include an evaluation of the person’s training and experience and moral character. The Board also requires passing a written examination on knowledge specific to the practice and acceptable experience beyond university training. The professional board oversees those in practice to assure that they are continuing practice according to the law. You can check with the Board overseeing the therapist or psychologist you wish to see, to learn if there are any complaints.
Dr. Gunzburg is a psychologist practicing in Baltimore, Maryland who has been continually licensed since 1975 by the Maryland Board of Examiners for Psychologists.
Licensing and Professional Standards
Complaint-Free For Over 40 years
You can call the Psychology Board and verify that there has never been a complaint against Dr. Gunzburg. He is also a member in good standing of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Psychologist Licensing Requirements in Maryland
The Maryland Psychology Board requires a doctorate degree and two years of experience before applying for licensure. In Maryland, psychologists must take continuing education throughout their careers in order to remain licensed.
Training for Normal & Abnormal Personality Aspects
A significant part of doctoral training is learning about normal and abnormal personality and its development. Moreover, doctorate-level training includes the evaluation and treatment of personality, mental and behavioral problems, and other psychological disorders.
Internal Database of Problems & Solutions
This high level training, when combined with over 40 years years of experience, provides an immense internal database of problems and solutions. The many years of experience have provided time to develop what works and discover over time, what doesn’t work.
There are many factors that can influence the survivability of your marriage after being violated by infidelity. Some of these factors will be obvious to you, and some not.
A Note From Dr. Gunzburg
By working with me as your marriage counselor, or therapist, in Baltimore, you can benefit from my experience. You know how your situation feels to you but you cannot place your experience in perspective related to its severity or prognosis.
From what I can gather regarding other therapists with similar years of experience, we have considerable overlap in what we tell clients in troubled relationships. Infidelity is a niche under troubled marriages. Some of the usual treatment designs and considerations need to be modified specifically for a marriage damaged by an affair. These specific treatment approaches for infidelity are also influenced by the therapist’s personal experiences (married, not married, divorced, had an affair, didn’t have an affair, was injured by an affair, never been cheated on, etc.) and personal and professional values and ethics.
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