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Marital affair at work

I often deal with infidelity in marriages and frequently it begins in the workplace. Sexually Provocative: Is She Aware? I think the attached cartoon implies that the woman is aware of how sexually provocative she is and possibly delighting in the sexual discomfort she is provoking. The man seems quite aware of his own discomfort. […]

Love At The Office

If your spouse has someone at work who he or she talks to or talks about, or is spending unreasonable time and attention toward that person, you may suspect love at the office or that your spouse has a “work spouse”. Both situations are potential issues. Let’s explore love at the office in more detail. […]

Facebook & Cheating

Facebook and cheating are in the news… Rise in Social Media Evidence in Divorce Cases Do Facebook and other social media lead to infidelity and cheating, and afterwards divorce?For part of the answer, we turn to a report on social media and divorce by the The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). In February, 2010, […]

Provoking Jealousy

The big question is, do you have a controlling spouse or are you provoking jealousy? Do you feel boxed-in because your spouse won’t let you do what you want? Do you have a controlling spouse? Is jealousy in your marriage rampant? Your examples might be something like any of the following: Your spouse wants you […]