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Divorce With Children

Children and divorce create new problems, and obligations including: Emotional obligations and problems Financial obligations and issues Time obligations and problems You might be able to predict some child-centered issues for children after divorce by watching other divorced parents. This will provide only part of the story. Children Need More Support After Divorce In most […]

Lack of Commitment

I was reviewing the National Survey on Marriage in America by the National Fatherhood Initiative and, perhaps you’d be surprised, people in general have pretty good things to say about marriage, even if they, themselves, have been divorced. If marriage is so great, then why do couples divorce? “Lack of commitment” was the most-selected reason […]

Happier After Divorce?

Many people look to divorce as a way out of their present unhappy situations. They think that if they can only get out on their own they will find happiness and fulfillment. What does the research show? Does Divorce Actually Make People Happier? A team of well-respected marriage therapists and researchers authored a 2002 report […]

Taken for Granted

Being taken for granted in your marriage can lead to anger and resentment. In everyday married life, you may lose sight of your priorities. You can easily forget just how much your spouse means to you. Then, relatively minor issues provide an opportunity for an angry trashing of your “misbehaving” spouse. Priorities in Marriage Which […]

Children and Divorce

If you are having serious marital problems and you have children, at some point you might consider the dilemma of divorce or separation for your own happiness weighed against staying together for the benefit of the children. The usual argument is that two happy single parents living apart are better than two disgruntled parents staying […]

The Cost of Divorce

Couples do not usually calculate the true cost of divorce when they are considering whether to work through their marital issues or get divorced. The true cost of divorce includes many aspects that most people fail to recognize as being part of the total cost (both monetary and emotional) of divorce. Possible Marriage Problems If […]

Therapy Leads to Divorce

It is unfortunate, but individual therapists can sometimes subtly lead married couples to divorce. Sometimes this is intentional by the counselor and sometimes it is outside the counselor’s awareness. Individual Therapy May Hurt Your Marriage An individual therapist can very subtly lead you to divorce, or help you be firmer in your resolve to divorce, […]

Facebook & Cheating

Facebook and cheating are in the news… Rise in Social Media Evidence in Divorce Cases Do Facebook and other social media lead to infidelity and cheating, and afterwards divorce?For part of the answer, we turn to a report on social media and divorce by the The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). In February, 2010, […]