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Marriage Therapist Beliefs

My Beliefs as a Therapist Helping Marriages I Believe in Marriage-Friendly Marriage Counseling In addition to the meaning of seeing a licensed psychologist, and the importance of finding a good marriage counselor, you also want to be careful to find a marriage counselor who believes in keeping your marriage together. I am Dr. Gunzburg. I […]

Rekindle the Love

It is possible to rekindle love in your marriage. If you feel that you have lost that loving feeling in your marriage, you should know that it is possible to get it back. You can fix your unhappy marriage. If your out-of-love spouse is willing to work with you to rekindle love in your marriage, […]

Honesty in Marriage

Many people do not realize the degree of harm that a lack of honesty can have on a marriage. Even little white lies have the potential to be harmful. Honesty Helps Marriages By being honest in all areas of your life, you can create a better marriage for you and your spouse. Honesty creates a […]

3 Steps to Stop Arguing

  Arguing is almost always going to happen eventually in married couples and long-term relationships. Arguing often leads to anger. Learning how to change your attitude can help you reduce angry feelings. The best case is for arguments to be more like a debate or a discussion, where all stances on the issue are seen […]

Remember Good Times

Sit down with your spouse and remember the good times in your marriage. Do something good for yourself, for your health, for your spouse, and for your relationship. Talk about good times with your spouse. You could begin with a photo album and reminisce or you could just begin talking about good times you’ve had […]

Open Communication

There are complexities to the general thought of having a completely open-book and honest relationship. Sometimes these complexities can be difficult to figure out. Honesty is Important for Relationships Honesty is an important part in any long-term relationship. When you think about being honest in your relationship, you have to be honest with yourself first. […]

Electronics and Marriage

The fact is that electronics is hurting marriage and relationships. Do you ever feel that electronics, whether it is a cell phone, i-Pad, computer or TV, is hurting your marriage? Does texting, talking on the phone, watching TV or movies make you feel that you’re not important to your spouse and/or to your children. Do […]

Good Marriage Relationships

Building a good marriage relationship takes time investment. This was clearly demonstrated in a recent trip to the urgent care center. My wife dropped a heavy object on her foot and was in a lot of pain. We decided to get an x-ray to make sure it wasn’t broken. The pain turned out to be […]

Practice Saying Thanks

Practice saying “thanks”. Show appreciation for your spouse by leaving a handwritten note for him or her to find later. Express your gratitude for a job well done. Think about your day and find something your spouse does for you that you hadn’t previously noticed or mentioned. Give praise or thanks for what you hadn’t […]

Communication in Marriage

Communication in marriage is not just about the words you use. There are many aspects of communication that we may not think about, yet that we use every day. Some other aspects of communication are: …your tone of voice. …what you say and how you say it. …your body language and posture. …where your eyes […]