Advice Blog / About

Happier After Divorce?

Many people look to divorce as a way out of their present unhappy situations. They think that if they can only get out on their own they will find happiness and fulfillment. What does the research show? Does Divorce Actually Make People Happier? A team of well-respected marriage therapists and researchers authored a 2002 report […]

3 Steps to Stop Arguing

  Arguing is almost always going to happen eventually in married couples and long-term relationships. Arguing often leads to anger. Learning how to change your attitude can help you reduce angry feelings. The best case is for arguments to be more like a debate or a discussion, where all stances on the issue are seen […]

Letting Go of Infidelity

I have been asked in the past if it is possible to let go of infidelity and work on repairing the relationship (without working through the steps to deal with the affair). This is an important point. Infidelity stems from somewhere, and if a couple wishes to move past the affair, they must work through […]

Couples Argue

Spouses in an arguing couple often make the situation worse. Couples Argue Arguing couples usually feel they are stuck in a rut and fighting much of the time. If you are part of an arguing couple, whether married or in a long-term relationship, you can probably learn to change this angry, corrosive behavior and make […]