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Marital affair at work

I often deal with infidelity in marriages and frequently it begins in the workplace. Sexually Provocative: Is She Aware? I think the attached cartoon implies that the woman is aware of how sexually provocative she is and possibly delighting in the sexual discomfort she is provoking. The man seems quite aware of his own discomfort. […]

Survive an Affair

  Does it sound impossible to think that you can survive an affair? You really can re-create your marriage after infidelity and make it better than ever. This self help marriage book is a comprehensive step-by-step program to help you save your relationship after it has been shattered by an extra-marital affair. Learn How to Survive an Affair » […]

Repair After An Affair

In order to lie to your spouse and cheat on your marriage vow, betray your spouse’s trust, and risk losing your marriage and children, your character had to slip into a shameful place. If you are still interested in holding on to your marriage, then these steps can help point you in the right direction. […]

Love At The Office

If your spouse has someone at work who he or she talks to or talks about, or is spending unreasonable time and attention toward that person, you may suspect love at the office or that your spouse has a “work spouse”. Both situations are potential issues. Let’s explore love at the office in more detail. […]

Facebook & Cheating

Facebook and cheating are in the news… Rise in Social Media Evidence in Divorce Cases Do Facebook and other social media lead to infidelity and cheating, and afterwards divorce?For part of the answer, we turn to a report on social media and divorce by the The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). In February, 2010, […]

Be Careful on Facebook!

I have had numerous couples in my office, bringing in evidence of cheating and infidelity based on Facebook and other social media websites. When the couple is unable to move past the infidelity, this social media evidence of cheating is sometimes later used in court. Be Cautious and Stop Cheating I urge you to be […]

Survive Infidelity

Are you wondering if it’s possible to survive infidelity or is your marriage now dead? Infidelity is a serious, devastating betrayal to most people who unexpectedly find out about the third person in the triangle. There is not a simple answer as to whether or not you can get your marriage back. Dr. Gunzburg on […]

Advice After the Affair

Okay, you’ve been hit with the knowledge your spouse cheated on you and you wonder about surviving an affair. Maybe you never want to see or speak with your spouse ever again. Maybe you want to do worse to your spouse. Many of you will begin to ask friends, relatives, your pastor, your hair dresser, […]

Immediately After Affair

During the early days after discovery, I encourage people to not be in a rush. You Have Time to Decide You don’t have to know immediately what you are going to do. Of course, you very well might feel what you want to do at that time, which is different than knowing your decision. Intellectual […]

The Cost of Divorce

Couples do not usually calculate the true cost of divorce when they are considering whether to work through their marital issues or get divorced. The true cost of divorce includes many aspects that most people fail to recognize as being part of the total cost (both monetary and emotional) of divorce. Possible Marriage Problems If […]